Sunday, February 20, 2005

Bright, sunny and just f**king hot!!!

As I'm enjoying the luxuries of my lovely Malaysian home, so beautifully adorned with bright red Chinese New Year decorations and stocked with enough food to survive a famine, I cannot help but feel relaxed and at ease.... NOT!!! I am in fact, utterly sick of this ridiculous Malaysian weather! It's excruciating - ludicrously hot and uncomfortably humid! Oh, and let's be Malaysian and throw in something else for free - a scorching sun! What more could one ask for? I was so excited the past few weeks about coming back to Malaysia that I forgot that it is undoubtedly, one of the hottest places on Earth! (Sometimes, I wonder whether hell is actually this hot... I highly doubt it!)

I checked the temperature today and it was a whopping 37 degrees Celcius! 37!!! That's the same as the human body temperature! I mentioned to my dad that we should just take out our internal organs and leave it out, so that our bodies will generate less heat by working less (i.e. lower metabolism) and our organs will still be functioning fine since the temperature is optimum! (Ok, lame joke, but it's too hot to be funny!) Yesterday was no different, in fact, I think it was some 38-39 degrees!!! Sheesh!!! People worry about global warming melting the ice caps, let's just see if people in the equatorial countries survive the heat first!

As it is quite obvious, the weather here is frustrating me... so much so that I can't even function right. I am perpetually lethargic, hot-tempered, headached and just plain uncomfortable the moment I step out of an air-conditioned area. As a result of this, I can't think straight and certainly cannot even write this blog right. So do forgive me for the lack of proper writing style or grammar or whatever in this entry. I guess this is what happens when I want to catch the Chinese New Year season. Loads of angpows, great food, mahjong through the night and inevitably, HEAT HEAT HEAT!!!!


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