Wednesday, March 23, 2005

First sign of spring

As I was strolling down the path in campus the other day, surrounded with lush green grass, a bright morning sun and the soft breeze blowing by, I almost shouted out in glee when I saw something incredible... the first sign of spring! It was undeniable! Irrefutable! Undebatable! It was one of the most lovely sights that I have ever seen in a long long time.. (It has been a long, dreary winter.. sighh...)

I rushed over to pet them, to talk to them, to shower them with undying gratitude and although they couldn't say it, I knew that exactly what was on their mind.. Spring is here!!!! I knew that what they really wanted to do was to tell me that they were happy to see me too, that they were overjoyed that there existed people who were truly enthusiastic to see them and that they have thus, fulfilled their life's purpose.

I walked home that day with a huge smile plastered across my face, feeling incredibly uplifted. Suddenly there was hope in our lives.. It was almost as if with that one sign, we know that there will be better days to come. We know that we can actually overcome the harsh cold that winter so surely promises and that we can survive long enough to see the warm glow of the sun. We know that if we can survive that, we can most certainly live through anything that life decides to throw in our faces. We know.. that life continues.

Hope.. such a simple word that brings so much meaning to each and every one of us. What would we be without hope? Where could we go without hope? How can we ever survive if it wasn't for the glimmer of hope that we so desperately cling on to, no matter what we do? What is life without hope, for the homeless ones living on the street, for the weary ones battling cancer in the hospital, for the orphaned ones longing for a new life and most of all, for all of us who just want to live..

Personally, the last few months have not been very encouraging for me and as a result, I have been suffering from a combination of lack of motivation, self-confidence and all that kinds of crap. But seeing this beautiful sign reminded me that no matter what lies ahead, crappy as could be, there is much to look forward to. Living is worth looking forward to, no matter what happens. For that, I thank them. I applaud them for their courage to fight the cold, I look up to them for their valour to defy winter but most of all, I am grateful to them for reminding me of what beautiful things lie ahead.

I'd like to propose a toast....

to daffodils!!!


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