Friday, March 18, 2005

Hospital fun

It has been an incredible week! I've been meaning to publish something insightful, deep and all that kinda crap but I decided that I shall not bother with that and instead will publish something that looks a little like a journal entry. It's my blog so I can do whatever I want!!! :P

This week, we began invading (and hence, have been raiding the hospitals in hordes) the wards. This is the second phase of our medical education, where we are set loose on the wards to practice grilling, prodding and poking (amongst other things) the people. It's part of our development as medical professionals and you know what they say, "Practice makes perfect!"

I was initially, very wary with this new chapter in my life. I was undecided as to whether I was excited about it or not. (Mostly because I was quite terrified. I mean, starting from now, what we do actually matters! What we do in school actually affects other people and we could be directly [well, not exactly 'directly', but let's just say 'directly' to drive my point home, ok?] responsible for someone's well-being!)

Anyhow, in the end, I decided that I didn't want to be too excited simply because that opens up new avenues to be disappointed. (I'm all about expectations and my dear WS has taught me (indirectly, of course) that it's always good to start with low or no expectations. That way, there's only one direction you can go, i.e. up, and so it's gonna be pretty tough for you to be disappointed! Hey, don't deny it but I'm sure many of you out there are like that, right?) So, I marched into my first clinical experience fairly pessimistic and convinced that I wouldn't enjoy it as much as attending (and thus, sleeping in) lectures, as I have done for the past 2 years. (Yeah yeah, no wonder I've got crappy results. Sometimes I wonder whether I am actually intelligent or not in the first place. I mean, I've always believed that I am but now, I'm beginning to have my doubts. Even JW and SY hesitated when I asked them the other day! *gasp* But anyway, that's a story for another day.)

I digress. My point was, I have actually enjoyed myself tremendously this week. Have been extra keen and arranged to watch and attend all sorts of different procedures and even made sure I did research the day before! Talk about being an eager beaver! Haha.. Never thought I'd be this motivated about something that doesn't concern cute guys, but guess I am! (Although I have to admit that the reading-after-seeing-something bit of my studies isn't going too well. Oh well, u can't have it all, can you?)

Ok, that's a teeny lie. I've just made a new friend, who's on my firm and we've been spending a lot of time together this week. He's a really sweet guy - very nice, funny, great company plus he's actually quite hot too! 6 foot 5, 90kg, strong, strapping rugby boy, you get the picture. Oh, and he has the most beautiful pair of eyes that I've ever seen! They're dark brown in colour with very pretty eyelashes that accentuate them even more. But most of all, they're so very deep and intense and just SO dreamy!! Anyhow, we've been going to the lockers together (he's my locker buddy!), attending all the stuff together, organizing extra stuff to go to, looking up patients beforehand, turning up for 8.00am ward rounds and just hanging out. It's really been so great! I admit, initially, I wanted to get 'close' to him because I have this teeny crush on his good friend and housemate. My plan was to inch into their circle and try to get close to my RC. (Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be going well at all since he's dating a slutty blonde first year!! Ok, enough talk about her!) But anyway, after hanging out with this guy, I found that he's actually quite cool and I thoroughly enjoy his company! :) (No, I'm not beginning to like him, I'm loyal to my RC!)

Moreover, I have found that it's definitely beneficial to have a friend who's also a keen bean when it comes to our err, 'work'. I mean, if I'm left on my own to do stuff, I would probably be less inclined to do so due to sheer laziness. With an equally enthusiastic friend, you kinda make sure you both go together and see and do as many things as you can together, so it's really good practice. Plus, keeps the spirit high. So in many ways, I'm thankful that we're both quite keen.

(By the way, AMZ, my housemate's boyfriend, oops, ex-boyfriend, I mean, thinks that this dude is nice to me because of an ulterior motive - i.e. he either wants to get into my pants or he wants to get into my friend's pants. I think that's utterly ridiculous and again, this entry is getting too long so I'll leave it for another day.)

So that's it... my first week in the hospital.. turned out to be quite an experience!


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