Sunday, May 29, 2005

Yawwnn.. it's been a long day..

I just got back from an extremely long day trip with WS and our friends.. :) We went to visit our friend SL in Coventry and he brought us touring. Well, in actual fact, we only went to Warwick Castle, but walking around the castle and the grounds alone seemed to be enough to tire me out. (You must be thinking, it can't be that tiring since I'm here blogging at the end of it all, but well, I have to do my online grocery shopping and for some reason, the Internet is so friggin' slow!!! Off to the shower I shall go, after this.. then to Dreamland.. where well, no one awaits, really. I'm too tired I'm sure I'll have a good blackout sleep!)

I digress. The Castle was just your typical English medievial castle, with a proper castle, a moat, a mill, a canal/river and just lots and lots of land! They held numerous activities today like jousting, swordfighting and archery, so that was quite interesting to watch. I for one, was more interested in learning about the history of the castle and absorb in its wealth of culture, unfortunately, the castle was quite poorly labelled that I don't think I learnt very much from my trip today.. Ah well..

Well, apart from that, the grounds were certainly very lovely.. Actually, extremely gorgeous! :) It helped that it was summer, so the flowers were in full bloom and the grass was a lovely hue of green.. Lots and lots of photos were taken, obviously, so do check out the link. (Click on the title of this excerpt, please.. Heck, just click here if you wish!) There were too many tourists for it to be romantic, but I still felt that it was.. (Haha, that probably could be due to the fact that WS was there with me, so err, I dunno!)

Ooh, one of the main attractions was the peacock garden.. and attract us it did! There were about 4-5 male peacocks when we arrived, all standing proudly with their feathers on show, trying to court a lovely lady peacock. (The females weren't remotely interested, but it meant we got to take lots of pictures!) Anyway, the garden was truly lovely, (Save the horny peacocks of course.. they were trying to tackle every single female peacock that walked past! Kinda reminds me of my friends in high school and college!)

All in all, it was a lovely trip indeed. Enjoyed myself quite a bit, so it was certainly worth the fatigue.. Sighh.. hopefully tomorrow, I'll be able to get started on some work! (Yes, yes, I sent WS packing off back to where he came from, so I won't be distracted.. :P) For now, enjoy the pictures!


Blogger Yuen Li said...

Nice. :) Get me any souvenirs? ;)

PS To heal your internet connection, to restore it to life, you need to learn the Dark Side...

10:21 PM  
Blogger Jean said...

Haha... Sorry, no souveniers.. To be honest, it's only Warwick! Hehe.. :P

I'm sorry to hear you've turned to the Dark Side.. but I will not let you destroy our Jedi Order!!!

5:53 PM  

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