Sunday, May 15, 2005

Boredville, USA

Yes, yes, as you can see, I'm bored... Bored to my bones, bored stiff, bored out of my mind and just plain ol' bored...

The worst thing about these bouts of boredom that seem to have hit me more frequently of late, is that it always always occurs when I'm at my busiest! I've actually got loads of work to do - a project report is due next Friday (gasp!) and I've got lots of reading to catch up with. Plus, exams are inching slowly but steadily towards me, so I really should start on my revision! Instead, I'm just wasting my time doing my cross-stitching (I'm halfway there.. hurray!), combing my hair, playing loads of computer games, watching shitloads of tv series, and of course, sitting here, blogging about well, nothing really..

Sighh.. I guess it's true what they say: "Coulda woulda shoulda.." I suppose it is pointless for me to keep should-ing when what I should (oops!) do is to get going on my work. Double sighh.. Everyday I tell myself that I need to start being productive but everyday, I get closer and closer to becoming what it appears to be, well, a bum. Oh well.. Coulda woulda shoulda!

Anyway, just a few pictures I've put here to show you the man I'm going to marry.. I believe that if you really really really (x100) want something very badly, and put your mind to it, you will ultimately be rewarded for your diligence and patience by finally, receiving it! I have been wanting Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Bloom ever since I first lay eyes on him, and no one could possibly want him more. So I truly believe, that one day, Orli will be mine!!! :)

(See? Told 'ya I was bored..)


Blogger waisun said...

sighh woman...

i can tell that u're bored.

but work hard! diligence pays off!

(actually i'm quite like u...)


8:59 PM  
Blogger Jean said...

Haha.. thanks for stopping by, by the way.. :) Hehe, yeah, guess i'd better start working hard, huh? :)

And you should too.. exams are drawing near.. ;)

Btw, do let us know if you need any help or anything, yeah?

1:03 AM  

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