Friday, April 22, 2005

A new addiction

Sorry I've been MIA lately.. (not that many of you out there are that bothered anyway.. hehe.. I don't think I've got any devout followers to begin with!) I've been very busy with going to hospital, studying and working hard generally.. Hah! Yeah, right! Like that's going to happen..

In truth, I haven't done any work or anything productive at all this whole week. Instead, I've started with a new project now, and that's taking a lot of my time! Hehe.. It's not that I really enjoy doing it or anything.. it's just that it's highly addictive! Hehe.. Guess what it is?? You'll never believe it!


Yeah, thanks to my marvellous friends who gave me a cross-stitch kit/set for my birthday so now I have no choice but to do it. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy it. It's just that I really should be doing some proper work.. Sigh.. I've got an addiction and I admit it. Teehee!

Well, I'm off to Manchester this weekend to spend some time with WS and attend a function. So hopefully, after I come back to good ol' Notts, I'll be able to break this newfound habit and go back to my daily routine of attempting to study. :)

Until then..


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