Friday, April 08, 2005

Snowy spring?

That's it. It's official. It's unmistakable, undeniable, irrefutable and down-right certain. British weather is indeed.. crazy!

Bet you think it sounds like an epiphany or something similar to that.. in actual fact, it isn't, really... I am merely reinstating a well-known fact simply because I have now, thanks to personal experience, come to fully believe in this and have therefore, officially become part-British. Yes, I do believe, with all of my heart, that there is nothing normal with British weather!

For many many years now, the British have been well-known to be obssessed with the weather; it being the customary question that follows "How are you today?". When I was in Malaysia, amongst my British teachers in college, I never understood why they always seemed so preoccupied with discussing weather conditions. I was told back then, that it was a natural thing for the Brits, and that I will inevitably, come to experience that when I get to the UK.

And experience that I have.. No wonder people can't stop talking about it.. it's so crazy and fluctuating, there are loads to talk about!! There's rain, wind, sunshine, hail, gale, snow and on the worst days, a combination of them all! I mean, back in Malaysia, we only have hot and sunny or rainy and wet. Doesn't really give much room for deep conversations, eh?

Why have I brought it up? Well, simply because, it's the middle of April now, and as I was walking home from the hospital today, it started to snow! Hear that? Snow! It was utterly ludicrous and more importantly, ridiculously cold!! I was shivering all the way home and couldn't wait to get inside, where warmth awaited me..

Anyhow, I am furious.. simply for the reason that such a long, crazy and cold winter only promises one thing (apart from the cold, of course): an equally long, crazy and hot summer.. I am not looking forward to experiencing and afterwards, bitching about the heat in summer. I'm going to be here almost all throughout, for crying out loud!


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