Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Happy New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! (Ok, ok, I know this is quite belated, but still.. it's better late than never, right? ;) Besides, my new year's resolution is to stop procrastinating and I've vowed to start next month!)

Anyway, my holidays have just gone, and they really did come and go in a blink of an eye! Sighh.. I'm now back in school, just started the final attachment of my final year (gasp!). Boy, do I miss those 3-month summer breaks!!

Ranting aside, I had a rather quiet holiday this time round. It was meant to be one where I was to catch up with work and reading, since my exams truly ARE around the corner. I even swapped my not-so-quiet house (with Internet, tv, easy access to shops & entertainment), for boy-boy's quiet and lonely hospital accommodation (with no Internet access and no easily-accessible shops around) in Manchester in order to have a more conducive studying environment; even though he was working nights (which meant I only saw him for about 2 hours a day). But as usual, I still managed to waste lots of time time just well, faffing about, really.. watched the whole series 1 of Beverly Hills 90210 (Luke Perry is so cute!), beat all the high scores in both my new phones and WS's new phones' games (yes, I have 2 new phones now.. so exciting!), re-read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix & the Half-Blood Prince for the umpteenth time (can't wait for the 5th movie (even though Harry is super-whiny) & 7th book!) and catching up on my beauty sleep.. So exciting, huh?

On the plus side, I did quite a bit of shopping this year at the Boxing Day sales, so I was quite pleased with that.. :) Oh, and it did help that boy-boy wanted to pay for everything! (No, of course I didn't accept completely, what kind of girl do you think I am?!) So as much as I want to write loads here, I err, can't.. cos there simply isn't that much to write anyway.. so I'll just put some pics up (as usual!) for you to enjoy looking at my pretty face! hehe..

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CY (centre) celebrated her buffday with us at a Korean restaurant - first time tasting Korean food for me, it was quite good!
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With good friend, PY - don't we look lovely!
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We took a short walk around Manchester town (on the way back to the car) and it looked so lovely with all the Xmas lights!!
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WS & I celebrated our _th anniversary with a lovely (and very costly!) Japanese dinner.. it was so yummy!!! Oh, and don't I look so good in my brand new & very sexy MNG top! ;)
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Here's our starters, sashimi moriawase! Sorry, but this is the only photo of the food we have.. the rest kinda got gobbled down too quickly!
Ok, that's all for now.. will update you with more musings and photos soon enuff.. (I have to reserve my brain cells for proper studying and not blogging, I'm afraid) For now, hope everyone keeps their new year resolutions like me!! ;) (Ooh.. btw, I meant to put up pics of my Germany trip when my dad & sis came to visit.. okok, I'll do it next time, I promise! Now, what was my New Year's resolution again? :P)


Blogger waisun said...


i know what u mean when it's more condusive to study with your 'boy boy'. i took all my work up to Manchester to do too. writting dissertation away from home. how cool is that?

LOL.gluck for ur upcoming exam. i'm sure u'll do just fine.

x sun

5:41 PM  
Blogger Jean said...

Hehe.. cool indeed! :) So how's your project and work all going? All good?

Thanks for stopping by, by the way.. and thanks so much for your well-wishes! I'm going to need all the luck in the world!!

1:53 PM  

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