Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Losing the will to blog?

It is every writer's dream to have his/her work not just recognized, but well-appreciated as well.. Alas, I have failed miserably in this aspect, and am pondering as to whether I should just pack my bags and leave blogville for good. Haha.. ok, so that might be slightly exaggerated, but I'm sorry to say that tonight, I found out that my blog has achieved the ultimate in blog history - it now is able to put people to sleep!! Not just any ordinary 'people', but one of my best friends, no less!

I went out for dinner tonight with my 5 'ji mui' - so-called sisters, (which basically means close girlfriends who do more than just gossip about the latest in people's lives or talk about the best places to hang out) and I found out, to my utter dismay, that the closest to me among them all, MY, apparently spent a good 5-10 minutes or so falling asleep whilst reading my 'wonderful' blog.. Apparently, the only good thing she had to say was that she liked the colours! Gosh, it's nice to know that at least I'm doing something right..

I guess this brings me back to the whole 'do I write for myself or for the people who read me' issue that I mentioned the other day.. (oh,
here it is, if u wanna have a read.. I doubt u will.. :( )I had already made my decision, by the way, which was to continue being self-absorbed and focus on just me, (me being the narcissist that I am..) but tonight's events are making me think twice.

So maybe I've been writing crap of late, but that's what the 'My Favourites' section is there for, really! It's so that newcomers browsing past my blog can have a look at my 'better' works and judge me based on that, rather than the nonsensical bullshit that I seem to be so fond of lately. Well, there it is, my defence.. haha.. pretty lame? I sure as hell hope not..

So the question remains.. or rather, has resurfaced.. sighh.. just when I thought I had things figured out! Geez... I was hoping someone out there would enjoy reading my lovely scribblings, unfortunately, no one's step up yet! (Gosh, I sound like a pathetic fool! No way, this isn't me! I need to be bullish on bouncing back!! And bounce back I will!!!!!!!!)

Anyway, to further examplify the crap that I'm seemingly brilliant at, I'm currently at home, enjoying the luxuries life has to offer.. It is heavenly, I tell you! Not having to worry about work/school/schoolwork, cooking, cleaning, washing, (and the list goes on..) Ooh, don't forget the joys of actually being able to afford material things! Haha.. I've been spending most of my time at home with my family, especially my two little adorable brothers, and just basically, enjoying life. Sadly, my pleasure is short-lived, as I am due back in crummy ol' UK by the end of the week... Wish I could stay longer.. so what if I miss my dermatology attachment?

That's it from me.. my long-awaited post? Haha... Will be back soon with pictures of my lovely time at home, with lovely-looking people too (hopefully!). Ooh, I almost forgot: apologies to my close friends who I so surely promised that I was to turn into a full-fledged blogwhore and spend my days at home blogging.. Unfortunately, I forgot to take into account the fact that at home, I'm having too much fun to be worried about this ol' blog!!!


Blogger michiee said...

I knew you're gonna put this crap about what I said in your blog...I know you too well.

And to give you credit, I came back to read it when I'm stuck at work on a freaking Sunday morning with nuthin to do (just yet).

And if you like more credits...I think your blog has the most good looking guys ever! hahaha :)

2:03 AM  

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