Monday, October 17, 2005

So long, farewell.. Part 2

It's only 2pm on a Monday afternoon, and I've already suffered potentially life-threatening emotional damage.. (yes, having a drama queen moment again!)

I woke up at 8 this morning to the annoying buzz of WS's alarm clock and between then and now, have already travelled some 60 miles across the country. Talk about major achievements in a day, huh?

Unfortunately, all major accomplishments are not without a price. And in this case, I have to pay an obscenely ridiculous amount of heartbreak for this great success. So even though I'm back in my comfortable room, I can't help but miss WS terribly... Sighh... when will all this end??

The other unfavourable thing for me is, this isn't the only goodbye that I had to bid this weekend.. My parents have been travelling around UK and Ireland for the last 2 weeks. (Daddy's got big hospital visits/conference thingies and mum's accompanying him) The first thing they did when they got to the UK was visit my house and stayed for a few days, but
afterwards, had to go gallavanting around since my dad was working. The trip culminated in ___, where WS lives, so the whole weekend was filled with fun and much laughter. My dear friend NT, also made a special trip to come see my parents so all in all, it was a truly enjoyable weekend. (I'll put up the photos once I get them from their camera... it's gonna take awhile, I assure you!)

Sad to say, all good things must come to an end.. and my parents left for home on Sunday night. I was meant to hop on the train and come home myself after they had left, but that also meant saying goodbye to WS and I felt that I couldn't deal with 2 major adieus in a row. (Call me a coward, but I am just a girl!)

Anyway, so here I am.. once again, sad and lonely.. having to face the world alone once more.. as always..

And it's only 2 o'clock on a Monday afternoon...


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