Tuesday, December 13, 2005

What's up, pussycat?

I just found out (well, not just just, but just enough, if u know what I mean?) that evidently, I have quite a number of silent readers/followers/fans? (Haha.. think I'll just stick to readers..) I honestly didn't realise it earlier before cos' come on, I'm no Jeffrey Ooi.. (understatement of the year?)

Anyway, to these faithful friends of mine, thank you so very much.. you're the reason my Statscounter is displaying small spikes and proving its worth to me, you're the reason I have occasional comments for my more provacative entries but most of all, you're the reason I'm still doing this.. taking time out of my oh-so-hectic schedule to pen a few of my wisdom-ess words.. ;)

So what have I been up to lately? It certainly has been crazy ever since I last wrote.. The main thing was exams. I was up to my elbows in revision for the past 2 weeks (exams finished last Thursday - woohoo!), hence the lack of activity and generally, life. Found out today that I passed one of them so that's quite good news.. no idea how I'm gonna do for the other one but I'm praying to heaven, earth and whoever'll listen that I do not fail it..

WS turned 23 a few weeks ago (yeah, I know, I'm dating someone younger than me by a whole 9 months!!!), and we celebrated it by watching a 'romantic' movie in the cinema (Harry Potter.. talk about super-duper romantic huh?) and having a nice yummy dinner at Chiquito's. Nothing major, but we ended playing I'm-talking-like-a-chipmunk all night with the helium balloon the restaurant gave me! Hehe.. (well, not all night, of course... we were busy err, sleeping, of course! ;) )

Ooh, something exciting (well, relatively excitingla, since knowing me, I'm not quite the social party person I used to be..) did happen about 2 weeks ago: I was part of a medium-scale Christmas concert! You see, I sing as part of the choir in Musical Medics (yes, as the name suggests, we are medics who are musical) and the Musical Medics put up a great Christmas show at a local church. There was the choir (obviously), an orchestra performance, a flute choir, brass ensemble, string quartet and loads of other stuff more. It was fantastic! I really enjoyed myself really much and loads of people said that I sang beautifully on my 1-verse solo.... heehee.. Watch out, USA, this is the next Mariah Carey!! (Yeah, right.. I was so nervous, I could hear my own voice trembling!)

WS's coursemates/juniors came over to Nottingham the other day for the all-famous annual Nottingham Malaysian Games.. I didn't plan to go out at all, but since they were here, I thought it'd be a good opportunity to meet up with them and show them around.. I was really glad I went in the end, cos' I ended up meeting loads of my friends from all over UK and having a great time with my partner-in-crime-in-the-slut-and-bitch-arena, V , tall-boy-and-super-nice-and-cool-dude EW and of course, ol' medic coursemate, JT. Think Nottingham won the overall Games and that's always good news.. :)





It was SY and JW's birthday the other day and we went for dinner at La Vecchia Romagna in Nottingham. The food wasn't too bad and it certainly was value for money, but I sure as hell am not going back again. You see, I bought a birthday cake to celebrate their birthdays and as always, brought it along to the restaurant so that we could sing a song and have yummy cake afterwards. When I arrived at the restaurant, I was flabbergasted when I found out that that stupid restaurant did not allow us to eat our own cake there, simply because they themselves serve dessert. I was in utter shock as I, and many of my friends, have done this before and no decent restaurant in Nottingham has turned us down.. until now. So yes, this is my personal strike so as much as I can help it, I won't ever set foot in that restaurant again! (By the way, the service was crap anyway..)

Ooh, just to let u know, I'll be attending my first Convocation Ceremony tomorrow! Yes, I'm graduating (not as a doctor!) with my first degree, a Bachelor of Medical Sciences (Honours) tomorrow and although it isn't really much, I'm actually getting quite excited. In fact, my parents are right here in my room now, providing me with background music with their snoring repertoire whilst I type away at my good ol' laptop. (Yes, they came to attend the ceremony) So, just pray for me that I do not trip on my gown or something on stage tomorrow and that my photos will turn out great! :) (Don't worry, I will undoubtedly display the photos here for you to see!) In fact, you can watch the 45-minute-delayed webcast online here if you're interested!! :)

Hmm.. I can't really think of anything else to update you guys on.. Like I said, it has been a crazy month indeed, but unfortunately, not a terribly exciting one. Ah well.. I may as well sign off here so until next time, toodaloo!


Blogger Jean said...

Cheers! Thanks a lot.. yeah, it's quite cute, huh? Used to be a big fan of unkymoods, but for some reason, it closed down.. :( I like yours too! (In the computing line, I assume?) hehe..

10:56 PM  
Blogger Mei said...

OMG! You met V? As in V-Liem? Hehehe! Small world indeed!
And on a lighter note, good to know u're up and bouncing again! Was wondering what happened to ya! *hugz*

2:51 AM  
Blogger Jean said...

Cindy: Thanks so much gurl... you're lucky your convo was in summer - therefore being in bright daylight and not freezing your butts off!! :) hehe.. How's life going?

Mei: Err, I think you got the wrong V.. I use only initials in my blog as to not disclose (completely) the identities of the people I'm talking about.. hehe.. Thanks for all your support, really appreciate it.. :) When are u going back to Msia?

10:31 PM  

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