Sunday, December 18, 2005


It's such a relief to finally go on a holiday after so long (even though it was a really short one). Think my last holiday was in October, when I went to Brussels. Sigh.. it certainly has been a long time. It's definitely a well-deserved holiday as well.. considering how I just sat for my exams last week, and was plummeted into a week of lectures almost immediately!

Anyway, my parents decided that the best place to go visit was Cambridge. (I obviously disagreed, as I thought the best place to go was Disneyland, Paris.. unfortunately, I was overruled, so I am still, not happy. Okok, so they'll be headed off to Europe for work on Monday so granted, they'll be a bit tired.. but I wanna go!!!!) We took a nice drive down and as usual, I was navigator, so did not get to enjoy a good sleep in the car as I'm so often used to. We met up with DL, an old friend from my KMYS days who's currently studying in the University there. He was our local tour guide for the day and we definitely, couldn't have done it without him. :) Thanks so much DL!

So here are the beautiful photos from the trip, nothing much to narrate, to be honest.. except for one thing: Do not by any means, be fooled by the apparently-beautiful weather, with the sun shining high and the photos looking great. Anyone who's been in the UK long enough will know that the sun does not seem to serve a great deal of purpose around here. Just because it's up and shining, does not mean that it is actually doing its intended job of providing warmth. Yes, it was actually freeeeeezing this weekend (think the weather was like 31-32 degrees Fahrenheit/ 0 degrees Celcius), hence the many layers wrapped around us in all of our pictures.

By the beautiful River Cam, where we can enjoy the beautiful scenery by punting

In St John's College - the whole city is essentially made up of the colleges of the University, now that's what I call a university-city!

In Trinity College, where Sir Isaac Newton once resided

With DL, in his college grounds - Corpus Christi College

On the streets of Cambridge, with last-minute shoppers caught-up in the Christmas-frenzy in the background

The big Christmas tree that adorned the central square in the city - Magnifique!

Well, that's just a few.. I'll put up the rest soon in my online photo album, so watch this space!


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