Food for thought?
I was talking to a bunch of my friends that day.. and apparently, my 'trashy' entry was what makes me a better writer.. or at least, a writer that can sell. I was shocked! Horrified! Stupendified! Hurt! I am an established writer who should be acknowledged for my superb writing style, witty and incomparable intellect and of course, for my extensive vocabulary. To be defined only by that single entry is completely beyond me! Why, one of my friends actually said that that piece was my best blogging piece ever!!
Actually, I'm just exaggerating.. I'm just kidding about how horrified/stupendified/hurt I was when my friends told me that.. But I was not kidding about what they said.
Anyway, I started to think. I just realised that in order to sell, I need to have something to sell. So far, I've writen lots about all kinds of things, but the recurring theme was me, of course. It all revolved around me. Hey, I can't help it if 'narcissistic' is my middle name now, can I? I'm digressing. Anyway, as much as those topics are extremely interesting to me and the people around me (well, some people, at least..) it doesn't sell. Why? Simply because it does not appeal to everyone else. That would explain why I'm not a so-called famous blogger.
I now understand that if I want my material to sell, I've got to write more than my day-to-day happenings, and appeal to a wider audience. I surfed around looking at other people's blogs and it seems obvious that there's really just a bunch of standard things that seems to be attention-grabbing: sex, politics and of course, controversy.
The question for me now is, do I really want to 'whore' my blog (i.e. turn into a blogslut) and turn my blog into a hotspot for sex, bitching and lots of controversy? (Sorry peeps, I don't do politics..) Or should I remain true to my ever-so-egotistical self and continue what I'm doing? (Well, not exactly continue, I need to write more about proper stuff as opposed to the 10 reasons why I'm lazy, procrastinating and not studying)
Do I really crave the attention? Do I really need the 50-hits-a-day spike on my stats counter? Do I really care what other people want? I think I know my answers to these questions.. but I'll try sitting on it for awhile.. I might have a change of heart!